World War II

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013


He was from Spain he organized the civil war against the monarchs , he was the general of the Spanish Army so he organized the revolution. take the absolute power he took over Madrid away from the Monarchs. When he declared himself as president he made people to call himself Generalisimo or "el caudillo de españa"
He thought that the best ideologies for his country were nationalism, fascism and totalitarism.
The main goal of Francisco Franco was to control the whole aspects and persons of the country.
He was a part of the party Falange Española Tradicionalista and his secret police where La Guardia Civil.
Franco had many organizations, they where
-Frente de Juventudes
-Sección femenina
-Sindicato Español Universitario
Also, he censored the press until the "Ley de Prensa" was released.
Military talking, Francisco Franco had the support of Italy and Germany, who sponsored him with men, weapons and money. Then he helped to fight aginst communism and allowed american force to install in Spain.
He shaped his economy in the fascism, so basically, he rationalized prices of all products and rational production.


Emperor Hirohito stablished the Japanese military. He inherited throne from his father.
He had an imperial and militarism ideology, his goals were: militarism should dominate political and social life and military strength is equal to nation strength.

He created the imperial Young Federation, Political Department, Black Dragon, National Service Society, Double leaf Society and Fighting Corps.

To improve the economic in Japan he design a plan which consisted in Status dependent on resources-rich colonies, Sources of raw material helped the military and install production; because of this they acquired international prestige, Securing Taiwan and Korea.
Looked toward Manchuria, Indonesia and China.
By the military aspects he Invade Manchuria
-Conquered most of the islands in the Pacific Ocean.
-Attack on Pearl Harbor.
-Battles with US marines in the Pacific Islands
-Naval battles in the Pacific Ocean

And in social organization he Promoted nationalism and anti US Semitism,
Education was centered on Nationalism and military, Prepare Japan for total war.


Benito Mussolini became the President of Italy in 1922 and left the power after he died in 1945. Before he became president, he was an important person already, he was the President of his political party (The Fascist Party) he had the influence and support of the Church,the Middle Class and the army. Besides, to get rid of his opponents he created a group called"Black Shirts" to chase those who were against him.

Mussolini adapt his government according to the Fascist Ideology which is based on radical views and nationalist ideas, which goal was to have a Centralized government with a dictatorial leader , Have an Economic and social regimentation in Italy,suppression of opposition and Exalt nations above individual.

After reaching to the power, he prepared his army and invaded Ethiopia and Albania. He created as well the "Coalition Cabinet" of the Totalitarian Systems. Mussolini created an economic plan that consisted in Public construction programs, building new farms and agricultural towns, Combated economic recession that Italy had in that time and Battle for land (Invasion of Ethiopia and Albania).


Adolf Hitler became president, or as he used to call himself "führer" after President Hindenburg's dead in 1934. He started his totalitarian dictatorship by making The Army swore full loyalty to him. Before he became Führer, he was the Chancellor of Germany, because after losing presidential elections against Hindenburg, he talked to the Nazi Party (the political party that he belonged to) and they talked to the President, so Hindenburg made him Chancellor.

After Hitler reaching full power, he started to spread around Germany his ideology,the NAZI ideology. This ideology consisted on the thought that the Aryan Race , the only pure race around the world and the only one that should exist. Another idea was that Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals were not called humans at all, they considered that their life was unworthy and that they deserve to die.

Also, Adolf Hitler implements Nazi redevelopment, reindustrialization, and rearmament of Germany. Some of the military actions that Hitler took just before the war were that the Nazis eliminated the people that are against them through a process known as Gleichschaltung.
Hitler publicly announced that the German army would be expanded to 600,000 men (six times the number stipulated in the Treaty of Versailles), and the introduction of an Air Force (Luftwaffe) and increasing the size of the Navy (Kriegsmarine).

Just After the World War II started, secret political groups were made.

The Gestapo: Was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe.
The Schutzstaffel: Was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP).

One of Hitler's unlikeable characteristics was that he made very convincing and great speeches, so he got the Germans to be fully loyal to him.

Totalitarian Dictatorships during the War

Totalitarian Dictatorship is a form of government which consists in have the absolute power and control of the country. During the World War II, one of the main causes that lead to war was that the Axis Powers, the ones who started the war, were ruled by totalitarian dictator,which goal was to have the absolute power of the world.

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

The World War II

The Second World War was a global war which started in 1939 and ended in 1945. The countries allied themselves creating two powers; The AXIS powers (Germany, Japan and Italy) and The Allies (Great Britain, France, America, etc).

The countries that were in the Axis Powers were countries who were ruled by Totalitarian dictators, like Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and The emperor Hirohito.


- One of the main causes was that Germany saw the Treaty of Versailles as a humiliation.
-The Great Depression in Germany.
- The rise of militarism in Japan
- Germany did not recognized the authority of The League of Nations.
- The fascist party reached power in Italy
-The Nazism in Germany, when Hitler reached power in Germany.

Germany wanted to take control of the world because they considered that each German should have their "Lebensraum" (Vital Space) and their territory in Germany was not enough to fulfill their space.
In 1938 the German forces take over Austria, Hitler decided to give the name of Anschluss the German-Austrian motherland.

Later on ,in 1939, Germany was going to try to take over a part of Czechoslovakia, which the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler were going to meet at the Munich Conference.

The Munich Conference in March 15, 1939 Hitler promised to not take another territory else than the part of Czechoslovakia that Germany was allowed to keep . Chamberlain considered himself as hero, because of the thought that he stopped another international conflict.

The spark ( where everything begins)
Germany started to have secret talk with The USSR, they signed the Nazi-soviet Nonaggression pact.
Germany invaded Poland in September 1st, 1939, Soviets take Eastern Poland.
Great Britain and France declare war on Germany to defend Poland.

The Blitzkreig ( Lightning war )

The blitzkreig was the name of the tactic that Germany used to defeat their opponents in several short campaigns. With this tactic Germany successfully defeated Denmark(Ultimatum 1940) , Norway, Belgium , the Netherlands , Luxembourg ,and France (Enters Paris on June 14, 1940).

The battle of Britain

After Germany defeated France on June, Germany was looking foward to defeat Great Britain by the air attacks. After several attacks over Britain from Germany, the Nazi's were not able to destroy the Britain's RAF (Royal Air Force).

Eastern Europe and Africa

Italy on June 10th, 1940 declare war on France and Great Britain, later on Italy also invated Libya, Egypt and Sudan.
The Nazis defeated on April,1941 Yugoslavia and Greece.
Also invated Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

Invasion of the Soviet Union